The national flag carrier Nepal Airlines Corporation will support Nepal’s plan to achieve carbon neutral by 2050.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the corporation said it would support President Vidyadevi Bhandari’s aspiration to achieve the goal.
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“Supporting the aspirations of the President, the Corporation expresses its commitment to move forward with more enthusiasm in environment-friendly activities in the coming days,” said a statement issued by spokesperson Karishma Shrestha.
Addressing the Green Development and Global Goals conference organized by South Korea on Sunday, the President said that Nepal was committed to its commitment to carbon neutral.
According to the President, the Corporation is proud to announce its readiness to achieve this goal.
The corporation also said that it had received approval for the Emission Monitoring Plan (EMP) on the initiative of the European Union and the South Asian Civil Aviation Partnership, including the International Aviation Regulatory Authority (ICAO).
The national flag bearer also said that the test of VERIFAVIA in Singapore was completed as per the provisions of the ICAO.