As of December 6, Southwest intends to resume routine direct flights between Tampa and Havana. As of March, Southwest had ceased service after the outbreak of Covid-19.
For the Christmas season, the airlines return just in time, a comfort to the more than 73,000 Cubans who reside in the Tampa Bay area and will be eager to reconnect with friends and family. Although Cuba’s charter flights resumed weeks ago, Southwest’s operation offers a convenient link that Tampa passengers have enjoyed since it was first introduced four years ago.
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Of course, traveling between the two countries comes with certain limitations since there are not only criteria for tourist cards for Americans to reach Cuba but also COVID-19 requirements for all travelers. Any of the pandemic-related conditions for tourists to Cuba include: Passengers can obtain a free COVID-19 examination upon landing at José Martí International Airport and must provide 24 hours of quarantine at a specific hotel or house. Incoming passengers must also bring travel policies covering COVID-19, which can also be bought for $30 at the airport.
Southwest no longer following Social distancing.
On its planes, Southwest Airlines will be no longer following Social Distance. The airline started selling tickets from Tuesday to cover each seat across its aircraft, even middle seats. The change came after the carrier reported a third-quarter loss of $1.2 billion due to the outbreak.
It is also advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to discourage travel and advise of a loss of social distance on aircraft.