Serious Issue: Airport authorities’ carelessness on scan of waste materials

Serious Issue: Airport authorities’ carelessness on scan of waste materials

May 1, 2017-Kathmandu

It is noticed that all the waste products collected from the aircraft and internal section of TIA have been gathered out of the airport without any security checks.

As per the spokesperson of TIA Prem Nath Thakur, he reported us that none of a micro-sized object can escape the security checks neither penetrate in nor out of the airport but one of our reporters noticed that entire wastes coming out of the airport has hardly been scanned.

According to standard airport safety requirement, the airport authority should be responsible enough to screen the wastes before letting it get out from the internal airport section. But the airport authority here in Nepal does not bother to feel up the safety requirement.

In one hand news relating to gold smuggling from TIA has been defaming countries only International airport and in the other hand, the unscreened wastes coming out of the airport has been easing the smuggling job.

Reports of missing expensive ornaments and equipment from passenger’s baggage while arriving and departing TIA in regular basis has disheartened majority and compelled many to accuse the intention of airport authority for missing incidents to happen.

Such act of carelessness from the airport security raises the question on airport authorities’ intention and also directly accuses them of supporting smugglers to let them easily transport the smuggled materials.

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