A woman has given birth to a little girl on Eqypt Air Flight MS777 flying to London. A newborn baby on an EgyptAir flight would able to fly for free for the rest of her life with limitations.
The mother, Yemen’s Hayam Nasr Nagi Daaban, was onboard Cairo’s London-bound EgyptAir flight MS777.
The pilot planned to declare an emergency in Munich, Germany, but grateful to a doctor’s assistance on board, and the child was born before landing.
According to tweets from EgyptAir, the aircraft declared an emergency in Munich; Daaban had already given birth to a girl before it arrived.
هنيء الطيار رشدي زكريا رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصرللطيران الراكبة هيام نصر ناجي دعبان يمنية الجنسية علي سلامتها ومنح مولودتها تذكرة سفر مجانية مدي الحياة والتي أنجبتها علي متن الطائرة أثناء رحلة مصرللطيران المتجهة أمس من القاهرة إلي لندن. pic.twitter.com/WDLsBFePDW
— EGYPTAIR (@EGYPTAIR) September 17, 2020
The airline tweeted that, while a later post seemed to suggest that it could only be on Munich’s flights, the kid would now get free flights.
The airline congratulated Daaban in a Facebook post appreciating to Dr. Moataz Fathi “for his attempt to support the mom and child-safe,” and to the passengers and crew for their handling of the case.