First Embraer 190-100LR has joined the fleet of Myanmar Airways International (MAI). Call sign ZZ529 joined the MAI fleet as part of a strategy of fleet enhancement. On 26 October, CDB Aviation, a wholly-owned Irish company of China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., delivered Myanmar Airways International with the first of three Embraer E190 aircraft. The aircraft was ferried to Yangon International Airport from Guangzhou, China.
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Myanmar Airways International (MAI) will begin to concentrate on network growth, which covers both domestic and foreign routes. As part of the operational strategy to encourage air transport throughout Myanmar, MAI will fly the E190s to Mandalay, Heho, Nay Pyi Taw, Nyaung U, Dawei, Myeik, Kawthaung, Sittwe, Kyaing Tong, Myitkyina, and Putao-cities with a large number of passengers.
The fleet’s capacity currently remains at five aircraft with this addition, including three A319s, one A320, and one E190. In keeping with their ambitious strategy to promote Myanmar as a regional destination, the airlines will continue their service expansion.