Donald Trump aiming to denationalize US air traffic control
June 06, 2017- United States
US President Donald Trump has expressed his plans to privatize the air traffic control operations and create a not-for-profit company to handle functions of current federal government.
The White House on Monday expressed its plan of modernizing the US aviation system, reducing costs and delays.
The idea was circulated in Washington for years back without any interest for implementation.
But officials reported that analyzing Republicans currently in control of nation the plan of air traffic privatized will be implemented by Trump government.
Current President of the United States Mr. Trump reported that “We’re proposing to take American air travel into the future, finally,”
The announcement made by the White House on Monday has increased administration hopes to focus on policy changes to improve US roads, bridges, and airports.
The subject is to bring the citizen to comfort zone with safer territory for the White House, which has been analyzed to have been run into trouble on a number of occasions with initiatives such as tax reform and has been surrounded with political pressures over Mr Trump’s comments about terrorism, sanction of 100M worth arms to Saudi and freezing relationship with Russia.
Mr. Trump had inducted the plan of privatizing air traffic control in his budget proposal.
The Federal Aviation Administration will continue its role in safety enforcement, but air traffic management with nearly 30,000 workers in that area would be sighted by a private not-for-profit organization, announced the US officials on Monday.
The major US airlines have supported the plan, blaming the current system to be slow in the introduction of new technology and funding to be the other subject of unpredictable whims of Congress.
However, the plan yet needs to get Congress approval. Mr. Trump’s budget proposal explains the change would be implemented in 2021 and estimated the reform would result in increasing the budget deficit by about $45bn (£35bn) over 10 years for US Aviation Industry.