China officially called Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) to take the remaining four aircraft soon.
China has formally asked Nepal Airlines corporation to take the remaining four aircraft. Amongst six aircraft that was suppose to take from China; NAC has already flying two of them in Nepal sky. Unfortunately those two Chinese aircraft are literally making huge loss to NAC and push into dilemma about brining rest of four others. While Corporation was in huge confusion, the sudden call from china has now made them in bigger trouble and dilemma. China has given them a deadline in formal paper to take rest four aircraft within coming 2nd July 2015.
Chinese aircraft manufacture AVIC International holding has sent a letter asking them to take way the rest Aircrafts. The corporation corporate director and spokesman Sharma said ‘only after receiving explicit instruction from Ministry the process of bringing the aircraft will start’.
As per the report three Y-12 and one MA 60 are left to be added in NAC fleet.