A must see event for aviation enthusiasts: FlightSimCon

A must see event for aviation enthusiasts: FlightSimCon

A must see event for aviation enthusiasts: FlightSimCon

Entering in its third year, FlightSimConflight simulation conference will be held on June 13 and 14 at the New England Air Museum at Connecticut’s Bradley International Airport. This year X-Plane creator Austin Meyer features the conference and former naval aviator Richard Fucci, currently flying at Freedom Wings International charity, which provides flightdrill for people with disabilities

“FlightSimCon is intended to show the aviation enthusiasts the power of at-home desktop flight simulation,” according to the event planners. Attendees at the event will be able to try out desktop flight simulators, fly in a simulated cockpit of a Cessna 172, the first hand viewer will find out how to set up their own system and learn how at-home simulation can help pilots stay current and help them prepare for future employment as pilots. The FSXdemonstration team will give live feedback of how Boston Virtual ATC controllers provide real-time ATC services to pilots flying on simulators running FSX software.

“Desktop flight simulator has been incredibly helpful for training,” said Evan Reiter trainee pilot and an admin within Boston Virtual ATC. He expresses that online flying experience had made him better, safer and more confident pilot, particularly with radios and IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) procedures.

According to the past experience of Zac (‘zploch’) an aviation enthusiast, “Last year Flight SimCon event was truly an amazing experience and I was so glad to be a part of it! Meeting the people who I have known by voice, coordinating procedures by yelling across the floor, and presenting Boston Virtual ATC to conference attendees, Flight SimCon was definitely a perfect way to start the summer. I am without a doubt, looking forward to Flight SimCon 2015!”

Tickets of the event costs about $60 which includes full access to the New England Air Museum on June 13 and 14 and an opportunities to win various prizes sponsored by Just Planes, Captain Mike Ray, PilotsEYE.tv and Wilco Publishing.

Photo Courtesy: FlightSimCon.com

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