Civil Aviation Academy announces vacancy for firefighters

Civil Aviation Academy of Nepal (CAAN) has announced vacancy for Basic ARFF-011 fire fighters’ training. The academy has sought eligible candidates who will undergo open and inclusive competition.

CAAN will select 9 candidates from open competition, 2 candidates each from female, Aadhivasi Janajati and Madhesi while one from Dalit category.

The required eligibility is SLC or SEE pass with minimum GPA 2 and the age bar is 18 years completed without exceeding 25 years. Besides, height, chest size and weight of the candidate will also be measured during the selection process.

Eligible candidates must be present with required documents at CAAN, Sanothimi for assigning their application. The cost for filing the application is Nrs200 and the candidate should pay extra Nrs400 for their exams.

The selected candidate through physical, written exam and interview will be deployed at various airports around the country.

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