Poor construction of Parking Bay at TIA nearby east helipad.
AviationNepal once again unfolding another bizarre reality of TIA – the parking bay that was constructed no longer back with the purpose to help chartered aircraft to get hold for parking, any which way itself seeking for help if anyway glance at it.
This newly constructed parking bay is nearby TIA east helipad vicinity and the current status of the parking bay develops outrage towards utter careless during construction and puts the big question mark that; why such a poor construction?
Even though such particular issue may not call any repercussion on the safety issue but apparently shows the impotent act and the seriousness towards one’s duty and likely to dim TIA face.
The ill-maintenance of TIA has been illuminated time and again to buzz the alarm in the ears of authority, which must take care of TIA to maintain the standard of it as the international airport, however seems not being perceived, invariable failing.