Unexpected weather forced predestined Solar Impulse to Land in Japan

Unexpected weather forced predestined Solar Impulse to Land in Japan

The epic attempt of Solar Impulse to fly around the world is yet again facing predicted weather. The bad weather forced the aircraft to land in Japan at Nagoya airport on Monday night. The flight was destined to clear its longest leg of the journey from Nanjing, China to Hawaii.

The rough winds also manages to damage the right wing of the aircraft. The maintenance team examined the aircraft conforming that the aileron is damaged. The team have already ordered the required parts from Switzerland but it looks like the aircraft may take more than a week to take off.

Solar Impulse team are already past schedule during their past flights and finding suitable weather conditions to clear the vast ocean towards Hawaii nearly took a month. If the repair works gets delayed they might have to face further fierce weather in coming months.


Photo Courtesy: Matth1

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