CAAN preparing Environmental Impact Assessment for alternative domestic airport

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has proposed to shift domestic airport to Nagidanda at Banepa from Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) to minimize the air traffic that the sole international airport is facing nowadays. For the initiation of the construction, the authority has called up for preparing Environment Impact Assessment report.

CAAN has called to research about physical geographical structure, biological, social, economical and cultural systems and their components while constructing the airport and its impact on environment. The authority has called for the study the construction area according to Environment Conservation Act-2053 and Environment protection rule-2054.

As per the report, the airport at Banepa will have runway extending from north-south of 1500 meter length and 150 meter width, apron of 55000 square kilometer and terminal building and staff quarters extending up to 7000 square kilometer.

All interested organizations and stakeholders are requested to submit their suggestion in written format within 15 days from the day of notice issued.

The technical team led by Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA  recommended Nagidanda of Banepa suitable for constructing an alternative domestic airport to reduce the air traffic congestion of TIA. The technical team studied four different sites of Kavre and has recommended Nagidanda of Banepa appropriate for constructing the new domestic airport.

The proposed airport location at Nagidanda is 24.6 km away from TIA whereas 8.62 far in Nautical mile.

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